311 Summer Street Resilience Assessment

Boston, MA

With an eye toward giving another 100 years of life to an 80-year-old Boston building, Linnean Solutions provided vulnerability assessments, subsequent resilient design strategies, and integrative design process management for a 57,000 square-foot building located at 311 Summer Street in Boston’s Seaport District. The building’s location in the Fort Point Channel area is within the FEMA-defined 100-year flood zone and is highly prone to flooding, both from sea level rise, as well as storm surge during severe storm events.

Linnean conducted research and analysis of both climate and city data to determine possible design decisions to help limit damage to the building during extreme events. All findings were compiled in a report that included both short-term and long-term strategies to limit future flood and storm damage.


Nashua River Communities Resilient Lands Project


Boston College Dormitory Conversion (LEED consulting)